First Nations Media Australia commissioned the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research (with funding support from the CBF) to develop an employment and skills development strategy for our sector. The strategy particularly responds to the Australian Government's target of 90% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment within funded organisations by 2020. Over the past year or so many of our members have provided input to this report through consultation at our events, participating in webinars and online meetings and considering drafts along the way. The final report, Strong Voices Stronger Communities: First Nations Media Employment and Skills Development Strategy contains 22 recommendations.
Thanks to Pauline Clague and the team at Jumbunna Institute for their work in developing the Strong Voices Stronger Communities report. Thanks also to everyone who has contributed to the ideas outlined in the report, especially CAAMA, Goolarri Media, PAKAM and Batchelor Institute who provided in depth interviews.
During May-June 2019, Jawun secondee Belinda Clarke developed a Workforce Action Plan. The Plan takes the recommendations from the Employment & Skills Development Strategy and outlines the steps required to implement those recommendations. This Plan will be largely undertaken by FNMA's Industry Development Officer.
Workforce Development
Action Plan Employment and Skills
Development Strategy